The Resistance
We had such a great Halloween weekend here in Ohio. For the last couple of weeks the weather has been perfect. Warm days and occasional rain.

On trick or treat night the weather was dry and warmer than the last few years so we really enjoyed walking around the neighborhood and seeing the Halloween decorations.
This morning I walked my little one around the block and noticed most of the trees are naked. A lot of leaves on the ground even though we had a truck last week that picked them up. I guess each tree is on its own schedule and their leaves will fall when they wanna fall.
Some trees still have all of their leaves almost like they refuse to give in to winter, hanging on to the last of the warm days and that is a beautiful thing.
Looking at this pictures now made me remember I promised my son to make cinnamon rolls because everything at this time of the year in Ohio has this cinnamon color. My daughter loves picking the crab apples from the tree on the nearby street. I learned from the guy in the Gardeners World that they are edible and they did taste good early in the season when they first appeared but now they are dry and have no taste. They still look pretty but I think they’re past their harvesting time.